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Ryan Lee talks Terasaki Budokan in LA, Sep 28

Title "Terasaki Budokan - Building Meaningful Relationships"

When asked about Budokan, Ryan had this to say, "Terasaki Budokan is more than just a recreational space in Little Tokyo, but symbolically stands for the growth, prosperity, and revitalization of our community. Our facility will connect families from across the southland to Little Tokyo through sports, arts, culture, and more."

Ryan's Bio: Born and raised in Los Angeles, Ryan Lee is the Director of Terasaki Budokan. He enjoys playing basketball, golf, and tennis, but spends most of his free time with his family and friends. Before joining the Budokan team, he worked in education with at-risk youth and coached basketball for eight seasons at his alma mater high school.

His true passion lies in non-profit work. In 2014, he co-founded Not Your Average Basketball Camp, an organization that provides exceptional children and their families an opportunity to grow socially and emotionally through the game of basketball.


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